A Continuous Sustainable Improvement Plan (CSIP) is a strategic approach that outlines specific actions and initiatives aimed at achieveing ongoing improvements while considering the long-term sustainability of the organisation. By implementing a CSIP, organisations can drive positive change, enhance performance and contribute to a more sustainable future while meeting business objectives.
SC21 has created a single improvement template for all participants to use, with all the suggested information to be contained in an ideal CSIP.
The CSIP template is available as part of the Annual Update & Award Submission Template (latest version).
This helps to create consistency in the journey for all companies signed up to the programme, however if your CSIP format is different please send it via email when submitting, together with the completed submission template. The data will only be shared with the SC21 Industry Approval Board (IAB) members, who have each signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
The CSIPs are intended to be plans which a participant can use jointly with their customers.
The improvement journey must be driven by senior management to ensure that the improvement plans are regularly reviewed and that the necessary resources are available to undertake the defined tasks as they are identified.